The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 2093065 | 2nd 2826615 | 3rd 2054090 |
Jackpot Prizes
1188163 2312844 2323625 2468268 2715952 2838601 3394958 3904436 3997593 4145633
Lucky Prizes
1128213 1385562 2718623 3079546 3679804 3765098 3851861 3986671 3988957 4298468
Gift Prizes
1242502 1389342 1472183 1502987 1557232 1610968 1738030 1853051 1854929 1898812 1933679 1941739 2120126 2158713 2224065 2260249 2267645 2270717 2482125 2802158 2807093 3071627 3280105 3400783 3434110 3605110 3690783 4218467 4361225 4470505
Consolation Prizes
1099103 1105572 1146869 1239778 1241370 1610803 1616759 1635654 1771089 2512303 2641915 2818496 3053847 3180937 3249092 3276800 3331997 3461310 3623768 3712388 3756260 3796967 3877668 3918976 3951921 4031546 4148914 4181305 4255112 4425557
Participation Prizes
1129275 1275157 1282095 1304950 1337493 1380163 1511953 1524614 1549627 1550175 1631175 1729608 1776589 2060221 2079554 2101497 2147363 2212567 2259087 2419549 2464128 2606175 2822029 2863359 2989840 3111702 3122715 3158602 3228922 3268459 3319634 3401959 3423906 3432846 3445377 3469601 3533566 3585690 3693548 3699920 3762996 3879410 4024161 4057603 4066954 4069991 4100171 4318432 4423145 4425225
2D Delight Prizes
04 09 26 35 35 39 55 72 73
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