The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 3542633 | 2nd 1014874 | 3rd 2395671 |
Jackpot Prizes
1373699 1903713 2443873 2793066 3018030 3069278 3108380 3109884 3618304 4346965
Lucky Prizes
2413701 2433223 2444886 2527708 3173052 3213090 3259613 3314603 3769066 4152567
Gift Prizes
1230226 1261932 1269568 1279286 1351792 1442700 1636508 1696661 1732669 1787487 2208404 2599822 2825006 2864279 2926080 3046636 3225809 3303722 3335769 3368466 3404274 3513382 3655690 3863724 3898832 4037162 4038497 4091445 4315511 4377728
Consolation Prizes
1193296 1343280 1421725 1567568 1817095 1858321 1862336 1916598 1918322 1948576 2007941 2010598 2088534 2107910 2279618 2332777 2381878 2692340 2692494 2762798 2840694 3096691 3227632 3388352 3562251 3593528 3614014 3870034 4396886 4440936
Participation Prizes
1383334 1427955 1437658 1528344 1558992 1615928 1638174 1640580 1816616 1857995 2029484 2044279 2062198 2071415 2152692 2413757 2454911 2505391 2514693 2607858 2620231 2725697 2765186 2796449 2831709 2885855 2951889 3113120 3143007 3151253 3174544 3243361 3313335 3374370 3425621 3527296 3586042 3662761 3766626 3768459 3856908 4069944 4100316 4109266 4238992 4254995 4257485 4348571 4439126 4464133
2D Delight Prizes
07 14 16 31 32 38 62 84 93
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