The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 4326909 | 2nd 3813787 | 3rd 3520202 |
Jackpot Prizes
1940832 2174416 2266702 2378563 2477649 3094840 3203722 3702783 4054835 4283123
Lucky Prizes
1062519 1251286 1284630 1482514 1567810 1966164 2583095 3585032 4356877 4380977
Gift Prizes
1055034 1136030 1491048 1532549 1674878 1791919 1837896 1926988 1976831 2065805 2075594 2139119 2283209 2383671 2536543 3073265 3084329 3284538 3400861 3540563 3551812 3556176 3576774 3878810 4059644 4102454 4209327 4240152 4385100 4463965
Consolation Prizes
1045132 1231552 1319891 1468612 1600465 1667224 1800145 1829750 1921778 1961647 2054475 2260053 2320628 2345577 2516438 2712273 2820564 3019886 3101130 3250620 3289019 3357250 3375592 3402091 3435588 3590617 3624873 3951408 4198066 4213629
Participation Prizes
1178664 1180225 1198423 1262141 1274469 1295045 1351194 1413207 1455540 1516123 1523145 1523615 1598475 1732936 1764259 1806587 1809845 1863686 1982716 2023479 2057062 2064789 2125608 2195179 2330315 2426202 2432178 2455008 2643358 2652604 2803312 2874425 2940491 3281020 3309967 3359255 3383336 3392868 3444510 3506608 3545928 3822666 3838213 3961115 3989262 4065989 4224567 4283049 4335293 4464034
2D Delight Prizes
04 08 09 12 34 40 64 71 84
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