The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 4348831 | 2nd 2528720 | 3rd 2783334 |
Jackpot Prizes
1566930 2343898 2461488 2747204 2999241 3138419 3245131 3258851 3571511 4447272
Lucky Prizes
1893604 2020760 2120083 2698397 2874340 3145823 3165040 3641715 3697809 3903211
Gift Prizes
1005356 1587471 1651272 1680747 1687705 1760439 1792766 1894982 2071570 2162325 2302290 2427656 2487563 2645197 2676131 2703929 2789091 2877395 2891326 2950051 3433190 3437387 3779100 3792168 3805196 3913123 4197592 4284307 4348450 4375084
Consolation Prizes
1026343 1192255 1259691 1426939 1462211 1626849 1669003 1696240 1720390 1987684 1995769 2207427 2277997 2369289 2440887 2542340 2604027 2649451 2654879 2747897 2941257 3032362 3437973 3460738 3554390 3580067 3658813 3775542 4370349 4459361
Participation Prizes
1039798 1197724 1245614 1253569 1258694 1262035 1363609 1378822 1469488 1624652 1656467 1723126 1852333 1853459 1970011 1976708 2023094 2058831 2157700 2256920 2275844 2277695 2373745 2422116 2526732 2578234 2580417 2643697 2661721 2671438 2805767 3060872 3151715 3196282 3233329 3294646 3311061 3393335 3409911 3417985 3547637 3592372 3762871 3838245 3846232 3883470 4011273 4026067 4215620 4394686
2D Delight Prizes
07 14 24 53 55 60 64 69 86
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