The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 3814098 | 2nd 3640863 | 3rd 3114465 |
Jackpot Prizes
1092739 1856841 2216319 2303031 2370653 3133602 3192776 3379396 3624111 4366166
Lucky Prizes
1017209 2090989 2282786 2873737 3047368 3143739 3208337 3387384 3435515 4154373
Gift Prizes
1025792 1180726 1297456 1306800 1324314 1708717 2003016 2154184 2317780 2462554 2602302 2605590 2710186 2909819 2921715 2933211 3281641 3287235 3376797 3459592 3463129 3563998 3587751 3636723 3863926 3947052 4051621 4185456 4225755 4226246
Consolation Prizes
1170622 1285805 1472879 1629239 1743941 1763738 2059981 2156651 2168411 2340528 2551415 2561583 2632298 2954208 3047407 3267726 3580177 3600068 3698356 3735627 3749877 3789339 3984572 4028695 4103202 4159582 4188559 4317686 4361994 4441662
Participation Prizes
1018047 1094189 1138136 1206835 1208158 1225030 1242481 1396527 1405532 1481598 1955067 2025030 2075363 2102944 2120607 2222499 2232507 2369018 2542191 2588656 2642165 2651380 2687669 2883213 2908427 2971726 2974708 2978502 2996724 3046856 3078148 3162193 3166581 3169891 3198040 3260058 3333245 3477688 3584488 3643155 3720695 3777323 3833970 4004040 4143362 4160155 4311723 4328075 4370823 4422293
2D Delight Prizes
18 25 27 29 43 54 60 80 95
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