The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 4474337 | 2nd 3214976 | 3rd 3666290 |
Jackpot Prizes
1111932 1222207 1357046 2251993 2410053 2507888 2623495 3148026 3457711 4235493
Lucky Prizes
1086334 1327056 1774974 1897371 2199387 2454001 2467908 2761941 3125119 4416112
Gift Prizes
1204744 1286736 1429026 1674934 1940435 1962783 1969236 2090290 2159434 2448440 2476767 2532477 2565814 2608502 2903143 3257003 3291061 3350167 3355423 3411479 3471612 3503872 3569653 3662661 4005256 4065364 4065931 4145476 4308590 4399890
Consolation Prizes
1010889 1079642 1128843 1276614 1453303 1479074 1612318 1642436 1877550 1907862 2161717 2177002 2347814 2485273 2567674 2612693 2694409 2916745 2986785 3285096 3422364 3613429 3695372 3757686 3872539 3977841 4203154 4374538 4398248 4463785
Participation Prizes
1110570 1343834 1352933 1353560 1362849 1465238 1556956 1577443 1847479 1888840 2125557 2163183 2284024 2401041 2509350 2554398 2586484 2601354 2603325 2973153 2983627 3015713 3124657 3231670 3254911 3270203 3402841 3442128 3482171 3602279 3629181 3694895 3704533 3717248 3787444 3807622 3818492 3821738 3964504 3974186 3984997 4078809 4131912 4292867 4399155 4422504 4428488 4456093 4457898 4479212
2D Delight Prizes
22 23 44 54 59 73 82 83 94
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