The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 2482824 | 2nd 1713448 | 3rd 2487174 |
Jackpot Prizes
1594144 2366412 2372899 2399112 2719395 2735113 2880111 3436524 3960583 4280010
Lucky Prizes
1192878 1254856 1472804 1484401 1936918 2897525 3694974 4071516 4344811 4478083
Gift Prizes
1009111 1219371 1561250 2016576 2061806 2088271 2112677 2237768 2289243 2379788 2451579 2859633 3004349 3004487 3029944 3194627 3226676 3255419 3313161 3348441 3457765 3528876 3928065 3970675 4116855 4176563 4242153 4308320 4333855 4466726
Consolation Prizes
1113571 1203547 1282621 1353295 1393558 1588979 1593738 1696585 1809178 1878257 1984095 2033892 2050945 2091493 2906072 3146765 3336043 3355241 3377538 3421538 3453095 3617597 3649525 3653201 3949855 4063982 4126119 4194558 4210116 4382653
Participation Prizes
1006416 1133086 1172112 1317626 1321484 1334758 1334971 1507373 1587787 1589684 1661426 1769376 1786560 1792763 1817175 1869678 1877355 1918544 1956695 2120447 2231594 2279866 2466257 2513158 2592950 2641942 2650493 2768650 2774021 2846419 2888847 3003903 3093448 3136194 3323088 3380477 3459368 3517005 3618773 3689024 3695655 3720785 4005219 4042288 4063473 4268726 4334159 4341094 4431926 4488417
2D Delight Prizes
04 32 34 39 46 46 51 78 87
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