The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 3813742 | 2nd 2510862 | 3rd 1092678 |
Jackpot Prizes
1319204 1434005 2321737 2638304 2832458 2988947 3276402 3470931 4051514 4166147
Lucky Prizes
1239520 1628996 1698034 1798875 2001649 2063338 2119675 2862792 3053860 3319319
Gift Prizes
1146171 1157942 1538891 1892317 2066480 2066769 2068243 2207928 2279683 2300202 2363636 2444349 2475762 2674604 2711420 2738435 2742022 2780166 2962551 2994174 3054970 3212951 3452744 3501211 3683526 3801127 3927554 4027588 4055789 4213970
Consolation Prizes
1067962 1132131 1235932 1488199 1579054 1897968 1925673 2047792 2123300 2238797 2252051 2273088 2298603 2464329 2677221 2802120 3007906 3035458 3125987 3216989 3287110 3333372 3504833 3571228 3715890 3958895 3976729 4153675 4268450 4350719
Participation Prizes
1016330 1053573 1151391 1248223 1403190 1427708 1578384 1662097 1676006 1964852 2066093 2104887 2230692 2346752 2353700 2383793 2405224 2652509 2654843 2957342 2989182 3003066 3056955 3091832 3100636 3112309 3113050 3127582 3178164 3335124 3336837 3339895 3450444 3508811 3522883 3579945 3681330 3698243 3831319 3847710 3873746 3953374 4040941 4117003 4166424 4171822 4196033 4340078 4417707 4466434
2D Delight Prizes
08 13 26 27 56 70 82 92 96
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