The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 2892475 | 2nd 2901409 | 3rd 4253144 |
Jackpot Prizes
1142540 2223006 2311123 2921817 2980590 3493743 3632265 3925966 4336241 4336476
Lucky Prizes
1136799 1204003 1801536 3131858 3188816 3231915 3411548 3413725 3442141 3510443
Gift Prizes
1192253 1208761 1273498 1312935 1397815 1491812 1525242 1594808 1598189 1637717 1763209 1768552 1799732 2281027 2518502 2560491 3082523 3310915 3468574 3524722 3525693 3564261 3572888 3581503 3589932 3620757 3636380 3821625 3951858 4289468
Consolation Prizes
1152595 1184685 1192416 1605562 1804784 1814367 1889473 1891287 1913467 2064511 2157680 2199584 2428332 2581039 2845667 2914635 3014585 3287285 3350898 3403241 3498469 3503984 3605149 3605676 3620796 3969480 3988429 4041042 4157089 4332849
Participation Prizes
1054966 1220204 1238448 1360034 1418722 1428624 1517266 1552441 1574168 1664826 1829268 1840173 1935888 1998343 2149232 2264810 2358218 2448098 2450467 2467277 2541837 2571567 2728577 2742288 2750358 2791225 2830846 2900093 2921312 2957958 3425219 3502831 3668885 3796704 3810731 3849240 3874789 3891138 3898392 3915028 4022506 4126347 4126458 4128175 4133128 4174344 4287984 4334003 4358623 4491156
2D Delight Prizes
00 16 28 29 31 43 70 96 99
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