The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 2272158 | 2nd 3299418 | 3rd 3530461 |
Jackpot Prizes
1039425 1727781 1914081 2862634 2892168 2892677 2975997 3304100 3592639 4265283
Lucky Prizes
1093434 2512165 2696155 2749044 2911958 3188644 3426720 3564896 4245128 4301875
Gift Prizes
1014412 1100147 1103355 1269751 1406752 1413151 1529651 1856206 1870236 2027560 2060442 2092863 2288840 2290121 2346524 2368469 2493480 2886347 3068798 3421417 3487761 3494439 3647905 3684247 3727550 3730113 3791241 4092758 4232868 4462019
Consolation Prizes
1234034 1320509 1556655 1585567 1663610 1719937 1722070 1759648 1770692 1864158 2059795 2263814 2323583 2340945 2909280 3028620 3125549 3295489 3313101 3495557 3515983 3594094 3607022 3823918 4106334 4129205 4157154 4249662 4290405 4437727
Participation Prizes
1060203 1214237 1243652 1436802 1442992 1444705 1455871 1524627 1604917 1756639 1943487 2013182 2066035 2085518 2108249 2294092 2304661 2360037 2392941 2400341 2427908 2429902 2534202 2693084 2806726 2914371 2982607 3082264 3099840 3194070 3299815 3342307 3447593 3546429 3581283 3659820 3693546 3788638 3796981 3907930 4010993 4025453 4076705 4183157 4248126 4272298 4309886 4314612 4436187 4476936
2D Delight Prizes
02 07 38 40 45 46 69 79 97
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