The next Big Sweep will be drawn on Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Download Nestia to check if you've won!
1st 3383417 | 2nd 2209686 | 3rd 1842321 |
Jackpot Prizes
1169008 1585812 2061758 3149928 3320936 3538558 3972809 4080961 4189150 4354171
Lucky Prizes
1444206 1545344 2077531 2194454 2449287 2561745 3108859 3506732 4007674 4324657
Gift Prizes
1006487 1047675 1217050 1253691 1258576 1270277 1671649 1879589 1928618 1988596 1995900 2052541 2358979 2528962 2533995 2725271 3111841 3221775 3417474 3551428 3580261 3715862 3737105 3814838 4048527 4179535 4212099 4218114 4333110 4458325
Consolation Prizes
1029739 1057863 1254905 1317279 1423962 1473658 1575545 1588836 2012601 2057725 2165291 2220451 2423399 2580519 2678568 2705223 2765446 2805982 2822650 3067004 3174108 3439307 3533397 3764198 3786688 3804148 3939703 4131269 4183676 4373809
Participation Prizes
1101881 1124441 1198026 1207229 1213722 1458654 1492278 1516663 1605732 1623861 1637566 1673276 1692109 1713946 1778690 1882609 1991913 2004984 2012198 2028059 2229285 2251075 2260130 2272857 2402672 2494887 2516717 2555219 2565037 2614346 2912133 2956853 2982221 3029073 3161096 3372462 3375331 3513058 3575543 3741467 3760512 3863409 3952623 4022398 4141387 4202440 4203716 4263967 4318867 4419346
2D Delight Prizes
13 19 47 47 71 90 93 93 98
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